
Membership of the Ghana Economic Society is open to all professionals and individuals who have shown considerable interest in economics.

We are the society of all economists in Ghana undertaking policy-oriented research, offering capacity-building short-term training, and organizing public dialogues and conferences towards Ghana’s economic development.



GES membership is open to all professional economists from global institutions, corporations, government agencies, non-profits, institutions of higher learning, professional institutions, individuals etc.

Individuals who meets the following criteria are eligible to apply for membership:

  • Graduate of economics or related disciplines
  • Must be at least 18 years at the time of application
  • Must at least be admitted to a Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent. First year students are allowed to apply.
  • Must be enthusiastic and passionate about economics as a discipline for economic development in Ghana and beyond.

Membership Categories

Professional Members

This category is for individuals who have already started and pursued their careers across multiple industries as economists or related roles and seek to be members of the GES.

Institutional Members

Institutional membership is open to academic departments of tertiary institutions, public institutions, and research and policy think tanks.

Student Members

  • This category is for students currently pursuing a degree or any related studies at the tertiary level (bachelor, Masters, PhD.) and wishes to join the GES.
  • A student member must at least be admitted with a Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent. First-year students are allowed to apply.

Membership Fees

Individuals who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for membership:

Professional Member – GH400

Institutional Members – GH2000

Student Member – GH100


  • NB: This membership subscription fee is payable annually by all members irrespective of category.

Join the apex body of economists in Ghana

GES membership is open to all professional economists from global institutions, corporations, government agencies, non-profits, institutions of higher learning, professional institutions, individuals etc.